Hi Naddy, sorry to hear you have diverticula disease. In 2010 I was hospitalised for 4 weeks with diverticulitis, ended up with massive abscess, drain inserted through abdomen wall etc etc, nil by mouth for the duration, tube fed antibiotics and food though another line. Not a nice experience but I probably don’t have to tell you that!
After discharge from hospital I stumbled upon Dr Moseley’s 5:2 diet via a friend at work, I weighed in at just under 16 stone and was convinced my history of eating poorly had contributed to my diverticula problem. In just over 18 months my weight dropped to 13 stone. I now follow the 16:8 style of eating (eat between 12pm and 8pm, usual don’t eat past 6pm though) and I eat very healthily, loads of salads, veggies, eggs, fish etc and steer clear of sugar, refined cabs, bread, white pasta, white rice etc.
After reading the Clever Guts books I also now drink apple cider vinegar mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning, lunch time and b4 bedtime. Make my own full fat yoghurt and just starting to make homemade souerkrout to aid with gut health and take one 100% Organic Kelp capsule everyday too.
Since starting 5:2 / 16:8 and follow the Clever Guts Diet I haven’t had any flare ups at all. Also I don’t take any notice of the ‘don’t eat anything with pips, seeds etc as they will get trapped in your diverticula’ train of thought.
So to sum up intermittent fasting, looking after your gut, not eating rubbish really works for me!
Hope all my waffling helps and hope you have a healthy future with no more bouts of diverticulitis!