Organic or not?

  • posted by gwen101

    I’m interested to know whether others only buy organic veg or not? There is no mention in the book of pesticides and what if any effect these have on the microbiome. I grow my own veg and buy organic where I cannot peel the fruit or veg but wonder if I really have to worry about this??

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    In a word? Yes! The micro biome in organic soil is totally different and far richer in variety . I’d say if you can afford organic then go organic

  • posted by Viola

    I would be surprised if anything beneficial from the soil would make it to you. You need to wash your produce because it is harvested by people who work long days far from the loo, hot water and soap.

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    I disagree the soil has its own micro biome which interacts (mainly positively) with our own. The hygiene hypothesis isn’t just about our own microbiota for example children brought up on a farm have much less autoimmune disease

  • posted by madski

    I buy organic when available, or grow my own, limited choice in organic veg round here so I eat non organic too to add variety ( but I always peel non organic).

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    Pealing organic is helpful but it only goes so far. Remember that any toxic chemical or (more likely) paucity of micro nutrients won’t change

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