I ‘ve read somewhere on here that seaweed supplements can help psoriasis. Has anyone any suggestions of brands and where I can get them in uk

I ‘ve read somewhere on here that seaweed supplements can help psoriasis. Has anyone any suggestions of brands and where I can get them in uk
I don’t know about supplements, but I use these seaweed flakes in my cooking and food (actually, just added some to a kraut last night, so will have to see how that turns out) and it’s really good and local (well, for me anyway :).
Sea vegetables is a diverse family so, like all plant foods, they vary in nutrients and potential health benefits.
It is worth re-reading Dr Pia Winberg’s comments on the seaweed threads
It seems the research is very new and ongoing, so unfortunately it is unlikely any other products have been tested for psoriasis.
That certainly doesn’t stop you reviewing the overall balance and variety of your diet (especially inflammatory carbohydrates, anti inflammatory fats, prebiotic fibres). Nor does it stop you including a variety of sea vegetables in your daily diet.
Your family doctor may be willing to refer you to an NHS dietician or dermatologist to discuss evidence-based changes to your diet, supplement extracts and lifestyle.