Hi, l have a Hiatus Hernia and currently take Omeprazole and I would like to loose a stone in weight. I don’t know whether to try the Clever Guts Diet or the Blood Sugar Diet. Any advice gratefully received.
@Untold Gold
Trouble is ,as you know , your stomach should contain the strongest acid known to man, to digest your food.
Omeprazole is compromising this.
An alternative is to tackle the Inflammation .
You might like to look at The Inflammation Research Institute and associated knowledge.
Kindest Regards -
Thank you for your suggestion. I had a look at The Inflammation Research Institute website. I don’t really know where to start looking there.
I think possibly The Clever Guts Diet may help me. I need something quite straight forwards. -
@Untold Gold
If you follow the Director you might find the simple advice you are looking for , particularly under obesity.
Kindest Regards -
@Untold Gold,
If you should like to e-mail, I might be able to help you more easily.
Kindest Regards,
g.wanless2014@btinternet.com -
Hi @untoldgold -what has your GP said about a hernia repair? What dose of omeprazole do you take, are you taking any other meds and do you need to take them every day?
In terms of diet: what is your current diet like? There’s no reason why you couldn’t combine a calorie-restricted diet with the Clever Guts. My starting point is never about calories in/calories out. That comes later if at all. Start by eating really healthily. Then you shouldn’t be hungry all the time, your insulin won’t be spiking and cutting back on calories (if needed) becomes much easier.
Finally -do you exercise? While it’s 100% true that you can’t out run a bad diet, nevertheless exercise is crucial to health and wellbeing. Hope that helps
Hi Graham,
My GP has said that he wouldn’t have the Hernia repaired if it was him, as the operation is unreliable. He says it can be done too tightly or too loosely and not so often just right, so it brings more problems.I take 20 mg of Omeprazole a day now. I was taking 40mg of Esomeprazole and have managed to cut it down.
My current diet is good. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, with meat free meals at least once a week. I don’t eat much in the way of sweet foods.
I go to a spin class and a yoga class once a week, l also walk my dogs.
I have also been suffering from depression, which may have been made worse by Omeprazole .
Thanks for replying,
Caroline -
Dear @Untold Gold,
As you will now know, depression is a chronic disease resulting from hormone imbalance. And that you can test your blood inflammation by the simple ( AA/EPA) test, available by post.Melanie Lawson suffered post natal depression and unaware of a clean source of fish-oil founded her own company!
It ( “Bare Biology”) is the only source of UK fish oil meeting the quality and purity of I.F.O.S. (The International Fish Oil Standards , based in Canada).85% of the world’s population have (AA/EPA) greater than 18 and suffer from chronic illness.
I require 3 grams per day to maintain my (AA/EPA) to the target 1.5 , which is typical of eskimos and traditional Japanese .
It is no coincidence that in a recent channel 4 tv program “The Best Diet in the World”, Jimmy Docherty found that of the 100 countries examined , Iceland has the best HEALTH SPAN diet i.e. longest life-span without chronic illness.
Icelanders have 3 condiments…salt, pepper and COD LIVER OIL which contains the marine omega 3’s , DHA and EPA…of which a healthy brain and body are largely made from ! it is not rocket science!!
Good Health and Kindest Regards -
Hi @UntoldGold- far be it from me to disagree with your GP -and no one is more wary of surgeons than me! But all of that said, it seems that the only way to stop the vicious circle of acid/omeprazole/dysbiosis is to consider tackling the root cause – i.e. the hernia. Maybe speak to the surgeon and get a view? You are entitled to a second opinion and its still 100% up to you as to whether to go ahead. The other suggestion is to (slowly) introduce a selection of fermented foods into your diet- starting perhaps with Kefir?
Dear GrahamSPhillips and UntoldGold,
Surgery is unnecessary.
All of our body parts are being continuously renewed , although in a gradually ageing state….i.e. hair goes white.
Blood is renewed most quickly, bones most slowly in about 15 years.
If the conditions for renewal are good , i.e. non-inflammatory , then renewal is healthy.
Google “Randal McCloy” and you will learn that this is how after the Sago mine disaster 10 years ago , his brain,heart,lungs,kidneys etc. renewed heathy in a good environment .. he has since had children and is alive to-day.
Again google”Grant Virgin” , where his similar recovery shocked his mother.
Contact “Prudence Sinclair” who was given weeks to live 30 years ago, until..Kindest Regards
Gordon that kind of blanket statement is dangerous frankly verging on irresponsible. If you have cancer you, surgery can be life saving. Yes we should do everything to help the body heal itself but there’s no evidence (please provide me some) that a hernia will heal itself.
Please google” Prudence Sinclair” ..then speak with her.
God Bless -
Thanks for this Gordon,
Caroline -
Hi Graham,
Thank you for your advice. It maybe worth talking to a surgeon, as the Hernia is quite large and it is my Hernia! No one really knows what they would do in the same situation. Also, the pills are problematic in themselves, it would be so good to stop taking them!I will try the Kefir.
Kind regards,Caroline
Untold Gold: maybe ask your family doctor to refer you to a registered dietician or clinical nutritionist. Your detailed food and symptom diary (p. 187) with weighed and measured quantities will be invaluable here. You don’t mention any mineral and fibre rich foods (seeds, nuts, beans, lentils, unprocessed wholegrains, pseudograins).
A properly balanced and very varied wholefood diet is naturally anti inflammatory, and supplies plenty of the nutrients beneficial in mild to moderate depression. These include magnesium, vitamin D, B group vitamins, long chain omega-3s.
Cod liver oil is a poor source of omega-3s (DHA and EPA) compared with very oily fish or triple strength fish body oils. In addition,in somr countries vitamins A and D are added, both of which can be harmful if consumed in excess.
Gordon Wanless: please provide evidence in the form of links to research papers or case studies published in respected peer reviewed scientific journals, as Dr Mosley has in his books.
Even those few human cell types, tissues or organs that regenerate, regrow or repair after birth, after childhood or after puberty are not immortal, save some cancerous cell lines in tissue culture laboratories. Nor does a natural nutrient dense diet from infancy prevent wild mammals or tribes still living as hunter-gatherers dying of old age, tissue or organ damage, or of degenerative diseases.
The internet and media are full of alternative truths, illogical theories, medical hoaxes, scams, downright dangerous diet advice. See Freelee the banana girl, Pro Ana websites, ‘evidence’ that many world leaders and celebrities are shapeshifting aliens.
Nicely put Firefox!
Dear Fire fox 7275 and all my readers,
please read my Amazon Review of Michael’s book and follow the links there.
Kindest Regards
Hi Firefox7275
Thank you for your replying. I do include nuts, seeds, lentils etc. in my diet.
I have been seeing a nutritionist and had blood tests to check my vitamin levels. The only thing that was depleted was vitamin B12. She prescribed vitamin B12 and BioAcidophilus, but told me not to take themlong term. After following her advice, l was able to lower my dose of Omeprazole.The nutritionist prescribed a diet for me which was not far off what l eat normally and my weight stayed the same. Following her advice l omitted carbohydrates for 4 days to see if this would make a difference. Sadly, again my weight stayed the same. She felt unable to help me whilst l’m taking antidepressants. She thought they were suppressing my metabolism and l wouldn’t loose weight whilst l was taking them. I am trying to increase my exercise.
I would like to lose weight as l feel uncomfortable and l’m sure it doesn’t help the hernia. I’m not huge, 5’3 and 10 stone. This is why l asked the question about Clever Guts Diet or Blood Sugar Diet.
Do you have an opinion on this?Thanks in advance.
Dear Untold Gold and readers,
Do you know your blood (AA/EPA) ?
I would recommend 3 main meals and 2 snacks per day with first meal within 1 hour of waking.
No empty carbs, such as potatoes, bread,pasta,rice,grains except steel-cut oats…..Instead brightly coloured vegetables,which are , of course carbs.
Meals simply:-
lean protein size of your palm..
remainder of plate as much brightly coloured vegetable as you can eat.
dash of best quality olive oilSnacks
nuts,seedsSufficient ultra-pure fish oil to maintain blood (AA/EPA) @ 1.5 rather than the normal population >18
More information is contained by referencing the links in my Amazon Review of Michael’s splendid book.
Kindest Regards