Help please

  • posted by J-J

    I am on day four of rebooting my biome. I am suffering from awful headaches and this morning nausea too. We are eating lots of good food. Is there anything I can take to help please? I’ve avoided paracetamol but do t know if I can hold out much longer.

  • posted by Firefox7275

    Please consult your pharmacist. We can’t know the cause of the headache and nausea, and we don’t have access to your medical history. In any case most of us here have no healthcare qualifications whatsoever.

    If you have been completing the detailed food and symptom diary (p.187), and working slowly in stages (p.190) you may be able to identify the cause *if it is related to diet or lifestyle changes*.

    Obvious ones would be caffeine withdrawal or blood sugar dropping. Introducing fasting is a big change for some, you may need to do this in a separate stage to the dietary changes.

  • posted by J-J

    Thanks for taking time to respond. Headaches while detoxing are quite usual which I knew but I was just wondering what others on this site did when they experienced them, in case they had some good advice.
    I resorted to Epsom salts baths, peppermint essential oil baths, drinking apple cider vinegar in water and hot or cold packs at the back of my neck. These were all remedies I found online at the weekend and they have helped.
    Today I cooked spiced cashews as I heard that lack of electrolytes can also cause the headaches which is due to my body releasing toxins previously stored in fat cells. The toxins came from sugar, alcohol, processed food, etc. I know it’s due to my poor diet in the past and hopefully I will never repeat that.
    Thanks again.

  • posted by Firefox7275

    Detoxing as you are describing is a concept not supported by the medical professionals, including Dr Mosley AFAIK. Our bodies ‘detox’ or eliminate on a daily basis: via the kidneys and bladder, liver and bowel, to a lesser extent the skin.

    Sugar gets burned as energy or converted to body fat and stordeed, it doesn’t become some other toxic substance. Metabolites of alcohol can certainly contribute to a hangover, but not weeks or months later.

    If you have liver damage from chronic alcohol abuse or high fat/ sugar diet and obesity, please consult the diagnosing doctor or a registered dietician before trying Clever Guts.

    If you are following Clever Guts or Dr Mosley’s 5:2 properly, you are likely eating a far better balance of minerals/ electrolytes than on your previous poor diet. Minerals/ electrolytes are found in fish, other seafood, vegetables, seaweeds, seeds, nuts, beans, lentils ….

    Potentially dangerous electrolyte imbalances absolutely can occur when crash dieting, when very dehydrated or with diarrhoea. Many ‘cleanses’ or ‘detoxes’ are this type of diet.

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    What have you been eating AND most importantly drinking? And are you also fasting?? Headaches might simply be due to caffeine withdrawal for example. Yes, keep up your electrolytes -sometimes a bit extra dietary salt can help.

  • posted by J-J

    Thanks all. I have finally got through the detox stage and am feeling so much better. My doctor puts the severe headaches down to withdrawal from sugar, which he says can be like coming off a drug.
    The best things I found were hot baths with Epson Salts and heat packs – I also took Magnesium which I read could help.
    Week four into my ‘healthy gut’ programme and I am feeling great.
    Good luck all on your journeys.

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