Crohn's disease

  • posted by GrantC

    How useful is the clever guts diet for those suffering from Crohn’s disease?

  • posted by Keewee

    Hi, I’m new to this forum, looking for answers too (outside of your challenge). But your post caught my eye. My friend has crohns and abut six months ago she discovered turmeric powder which she now takes regularly and this has been extremely effective with managing her crohns. Just thought I’d mention it a shame it might be useful for you. She has been blown away by her improvements.

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    That’s a big question and the short answer is “no one knows”. There is a characteristic dysbiosis associated with Crohn’s so “in theory” should be helpful. Word of caution: don’t risk provoking flare- so make small and evolutionary changes one-by-one. I would say well worth having your microbiome analysed before making changes

  • posted by Leahzee

    I recently found an article in the Nutrients journal online (google “An Examination of Diet for the Maintenance of Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Disease”) which eventually led me here and to buying the book. There seems to be a lot of crossover between the various studies cited in that article and the foods that are recommended by the Clever Guts diet. I have CD and I’ve just started changing my diet over, but don’t want to push it and risk being hospitalised again. So I’m just introducing one or two new items every couple of weeks. It’s too early to tell yet if there’s any difference, but fingers crossed.

  • posted by AngiePNI

    That’s interesting. Do you know if she uses powder or fresh turmeric?

  • posted by Keewee

    She uses a powder from her naturopath. There are cheap options but you get what you pay for 🙂

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