Hello, this message is for Michael if possible. I have been working as a traditional acupuncturist for over 16 years, and am also a qualified nurse/midwife. I am currently on a Return to Practice course in Nursing. I have always had a strong interest in health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and disease prevention, and have been giving similar advice (to the Clever Guts diet)to my patients/clients over the years – especially regarding increase of fermented foods into the diet.
It is of great concern to me to see the huge increase in chronic diseases since I last practised as a nurse, and I am really keen to find some kind of a research role in gut health, as I find it fascinating, and of paramount importance to improving health and preventing disease.
It is great to see a book like this becoming more of a mainstream approach.
Can Michael (or anyone else who might know!) advise me on the best way forward in getting into this field?
Many thanks.
Hi Red Dancer,
I heard the word Microbiome on BBC Radio4 twice in about June 2016 on completely unrelated topics, or so I thoughts. I googled Microbiome and what I have learnt as a result has transformed my life. I hope as more research is done and more people begin to get clever about their guts and what should be living there, that the positive impact on chronic disease will be given the opportunity, by main stream medicine, to fulfill its’ potential. We have to find another way to halt and cure the rising tide of chronic disease in the Western World, before the entire economy collapses under the financial strain. There is also the issue of all those sick people unable to enjoy life as it ought to be.Just a few days ago I was inspired to write a very long blog on a forum for folks with Rheumatoid Arthritis NRAS HealthUnlocked. After about 50 replies someone asked for info. about what I had read to reach the point where I was currently on no medication. A couple of years ago I was on monthly biological infusions as my local hospital. I got 10 prescriptions a month from my GP back then and he was hounding me to add three more different types of medication to the list. The last time I was well enough to hold down paid employment was well over a decade ago and I have been so ill I have needed regular help from a Carer, again for most of the last decade. Finally in the last 2-3 months my health has begun to improve. This has only happened because my consultant took me off my infusions until various infections cleared up.
A good day for me is to be able to have the energy to read or use my computer, when previously I often spent 16 hours a day in bed and most of the remaining 8 hours slumped in front of the TV. So I still have a long way to go before anyone else could call me well.
The post on the above mentioned site is entitled:-
Some Words of Encouragement. Severe RA and No Meds. Right Now. The Benefits of a Healthier Microbiome. A long way into the 50+ replies you will find a book list with 30 titles all on Gut Health and the Microbiome etc. The first 10 or so books I have read. There are lots of expensive heavy academic research stuff, which I have not read, either because I do not have the relevant Micro Biology Degree, or similar or they are way beyond my budget. This field is moving so fast that I included on my list the books which I am interested in reading, but have not done so because they are so new, or they have not yet been published.Easy ways to get more info. google, Amazon Books or YouTube. Try Heal my Gut or Healthier Gut for the popular stuff. For a more academic stance try Microbiome or Mictobiota. Amazon lets you learn a lot with the open the book facility, before you need to spend anything. I have gleaned a lot of knowledge that way from books I could never afford to buy.
If I have helped, encouraged or sparked your interest see my profile on here or try the NRAS forum to read my very lengthy post.
May anyone reading this experience better overall health when you have improved the health of your Clever Guts.
Dear Red Dancer and AARA and all readers,
You are so correct regarding increased chronic disease..You might be interested in my Amazon Review of Michael’s splendid book…..once this knowledge is in the mainstream,
millions will be saved from unnecessary suffering.kindest regards
Dear Red Dancer,
If you should like to e-mail, I can more easily help you get into this field as you request.kindest regards,
Hi Gordon Wanless,
Went to Amazon to look for your review of Mike’s book but sadly I did not find it. There are almost 500 reviews.
Thanks for your reply
Wishing you all well.
Dear AARA,
if you should like to e-mail , I can send you it.
kindest regards,