De-alcoholised red wine

  • posted by silentmiaow

    I am interested to know if de-alcoholised red wine (e.g. wine with 0.5% alcohol) has the same beneficial effects as alcoholic red wine. Can anyone help with this question? Many thanks!

  • posted by anderoo

    Hi. A small study – “Influence of red wine polyphenols and ethanol on the gut microbiotica ecology..” Queipo Ortuno et al, in Amer J Clin Nutr, 2012 – is summarised Michael Mosley’s Clever Guts Diet book on page 118. He says that “..the researchers found.. ..that when the volunteers were drinking the red wine, and to a lessert extent when they drank de-alcoholised wine, there were significant drops in blood pressure, in C-reactive protein (CRP – a measure of inflammation) and in their triglyceride levels (the amount of fat circulating in the blood). Not sure how conclusive this study is, but would suggest it sounds quite positive.

  • posted by silentmiaow

    Many thanks, Andrew. Tim Spector also makes reference to this study in his book The Diet Myth. As you say, it sounds quite positive.
    Best regards,

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