What was the most successful change you made to lose weight?

  • posted by JoseJose

    Hi, I am starting out in earnest on an 800/900 calorie-per-day diet, and aiming to extend my fast window from 16 hours (8pm to 12pm) by a couple of hours. I’ve got a lot of kilos to lose, and I know I can do it. But I’d really love to know what was the thing that you ate or did that made the biggest difference to weight loss for you personally? I will happily try anything!

  • posted by Evadne

    I get up early every morning, run 4 kilometers, and jump 500 ropes. It is really difficult for me to get up early, and I wanted to give up for a while. But every time I see the calories burned on my BP Doctor TR12 and the little bit of weight loss, I’m happy.

  • posted by jojo2025

    Remove “bad” carbs. all the white stuff. I normally fast just because I don’t eat breakfast and eat an early dinner since I can’t sleep on even a semi full stomach but this has not served me at all because when I do eat I over do the carbs which are my favorite. Once i get rid of them I can see weightloss. Don’t worry about the exercise in the beggining. Take a walk after work. Concentrate on eating more veg before your meal.

  • posted by Macavity13

    I have been fasting for 14hrs between 8pm to 10am (sometimes longer as don’t always have breakfast). If i do have breakfast it’s berries and yoghurt. Lunch is a salad or boiled eggs and almonds, dinner is protein ie lean meat/fish and the rest of plate salad/veg. Have lost nearly a stone in 4 weeks. I was an eating machine, never full, but i found cutting out sugar and bread/pasta and, in the main, potatoes my appetite for volume has really reduced which stops me overeating. In fact last night on holiday i had a baked aubergine in tomato sauce starter and my main dish was chicken with greek potatoes (small cubes). I could only eat 2 out of the 13 potatoes. I have NEVER known myself turn potatoes down! Just couldn’t eat them and now used to preferring a healthy full feeling over a stuffed feeling! Have also been reading Micheaels clever guts book and when back home will start the fast 800 already tried the cardomen chicken and the rainbow salad…am talking SUPER delicious healthy food, even my husband, whos is a real foodie, couldn’t stop saying how good they were!!! My other piece of advice is to focus on getting healthy rather than thin (weight loss will follow) but helps to get you in the right mindset (as well as reading and listening to Michaels podcasts to keep your mind focused on your health journey-really helps to keep you motivated!) Hope that helps!

    Was totally gutted to hear of Michaels passing, was just getting into his books, podcasts etc….i really hope his great work, and this website gets upheld ….what a special guy who gave so much to the world of health, bringing knowledge in an easily digestible form for all!

  • posted by BunterCS

    Fasting from 5pm through until 7am. Also avoiding UPFs, white carbs… eating med diet. I still eat dark choc, drink red wine…

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