Define meat!
Do you mean just land animal muscle meat (processed and unprocessed, intensively farmed and free range), or do you mean land animal muscle meat, organ meats, oily fish and other seafood?
Key factors n normal blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation (all contribute to atherosclerosis) are weight/ body fat, physical activity levels, balance of fatty acids (inc. omega-6 to omega-3 ratio), intake of sugars and refined/ processed or otherwise high GI carbs.
The amount of oily fish, nuts and some seeds, intensively farmed meat and dairy are highly relevant in the ratio of inflammatory omega-6s to anti inflammatory omega-3s. For health vegans absolutely need to supplement long chain omega-3s (DHA and EPA). It is prohibitively expensive to take a decent dose of marine algae ectract, and the balance of DHA and EPA will still be off.
Most registered dieticians, nutritionists and doctors agree that the ‘gold standard’ in reducing lifestyle diseases and their risk factors is the Mediterranean Diet. This includes plenty of oily fish and other seafood, small amounts of land animal muscle meats (mostly outdoor bred or wild), whole eggs, traditional aged cheeses (much from sheep and goats), plenty of brightly coloured vegetables and fruit, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, olives and their oil, some red wine.
In my opinion a pescatarian Mediterranean diet is the healthiest of all, land animal muscle meat is not required for health. I also try to incorporate aspects of traditional South Asian and Nordic diets.