I’ve just started Clever Guts to try and help with Perioral dermatitis on my face. An outbreak can last for months and I read (somewhere) that gut bacteria can help with this. After reading the book I started the diet, not really doing the meal plans but cutting out all the recommended things for Phase 1: bread, gluten, processed sugar, alcohol (not that I’m a drinker anyway) and grains; whilst increasing variety of fruit and veg and adding in fermented foods. After a week I feel an enormous difference, even though my goal wasn’t to lose weight, I lost 4lbs and continue to feel a lot lighter and less bloated. I am more regular and following a bumpy first week of sleep, have started to get more restful shuteye. However, my skin, whilst not always inflammed, is still very dry and cracked on and around my lips. So 3 days ago, following the seaweed thread, I decided to introduce 4g of dried (then rehydrated) Wakame. If anyone else has tried this or other things to help with the skin it would be great to know how you’ve got on.