Live Yoghurts

  • posted by Katie Rose

    Hello Everyone – have just read Michael’s book from end to end and excited about getting going. However, could someone tell me which supermarkets, if any, sell Live yogurts? My nearest health food store is miles away. Many thanks.

  • posted by Yakon

    I buy a live organic yoghurt, which is available in most supermarkets, at least Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. Don’t know if I break advertising rules by mentioned it by name. Just look at the cartons of plain whole yoghurt for the word live.

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    If no one objects to you advertising Sainsbury’s and Waitrose i would think you can get away with mentioning the yogurt brand 🙂
    We buy Yeo Valley Natural and use it to culture our own….. other brands are available…..

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    Also I note Yeo Valley now do a Kefir yogurt which is advertised as having 14 strains of bacteria. It may be an even better bet if you don’t fancy culturing your own Kefir?

  • posted by Malaguena25

    I’ve been drinking this brand’s Kefir for a few weeks almost regularly (3-4 times a week) and it has helped balance my gut out so much! I’m also lactose intolerant so I just take a lactase supplement from Lea Gogo before the refit and it works perfectly for me! I can recommend also the Biotyful Kefir, I bought mine at Morrisons and the Lea Gogo supplements I bought on their website :

    Can you recommend some probiotics that have helped you? I’ve been using the ones from Holland and Barret but I’m not sure I love them.

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    Hi Malaguena25
    I wonder if you actually need to take the Lea Gogo supplement prior to consuming Kefir as Kefir is supposed to be low in Lactose.
    From Google:
    ‘The lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy foods — like kefir and yogurt — turn the lactose into lactic acid, so these foods are much lower in lactose than milk. … Summary Kefir is low in lactose because its lactic acid bacteria have already pre-digested the lactose’
    Have you tried taking it without?
    Have you considered making your own Kefir. It’s pretty easy and I’d like to think is much more powerful (so more pro biotic) than shop bought (mine certainly seems much more active ((fizzy)) than the shop bought stuff I’ve had and has a stronger flavor (a acquired taste that I’ve come to crave).

  • posted by Malaguena25

    Hi there,

    I’ve tried, but I’m very sensible to lactose so I get a difficult digestion when I do. Lea Gogos supplement just really work wonders for me!

    Do you have a recipe for the home made kefir? That sounds like something I’d love to try! 😍

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    You need some Kefir Grains and organic whole milk (I use T@scos), a jar and a nylon sieve and a spatula. Its pretty simple! Put the grains and milk in the jar, ferment at room temp for 24 hours ish, strain, and return the grains into fresh milk and repeat.
    I purchased my grains here: the instructions are here
    I ferment mine until the curds separate from the whey then strain, that leaves me with super thick, tangy kefir that can be eaten with a spoon like Greek yogurt. I’m guessing the extended fermenting time would also reduce the lactose and allow more bacteria and yeasts to form. Hope that helps

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