
  • posted by Viola

    Has anyone thought that these recommendations seem to be a lot like a keto diet without specifically giving that recommendation? Has anyone tried it? It seems very similar.

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    Not really.. Keto is FAR lower in carbs

  • posted by Firefox7275

    I agree with GrahamPhillips.

    Keto is very low carbohydrate so tends to be very restrictive, and thus poorly balanced nutritonally. No grains, beans or lentils, few fruits or root vegetables, limited dairy, limited range of nuts and seeds. Servings of animal protein and animal fat tend to be large.

    The initial elimination phase of Clever Guts is somewhat restrictive and low carb, but is only temporary. The reintroduction and ongoing phases emphasise a really wide variety of different foods and are more moderate carb.

  • posted by michaelbenton

    Well, keto diet is very low in carbs. During the week you eat only proteins, fats, and fibers, and during the weekends you eat rice or cooked potato. I would not recommend it to anyone except professional fitness models and bodybuilder during the competition season. It should be taken very seriously, consultation with a trainer, nutritionist, and using keto calculator is a must. This is not a keto diet. 🙂

  • posted by cathima

    The keto diet does not have to be particularly restricted and I don’t agree that it is nutritionally poor. It is worth exploring a website called Mark’s Daily Apple. Mark Sisson has a highly informative site and he reviews the literature on all sorts of nutritional and health topics in a very balanced and sensible way. He comes from a Primal approach to nutrition and lifestyle and advocates eating a wide range of foods. He has just published a book on going keto and why it is worth spending periods of time in keto or fat adapted, as a positive health choice.

  • posted by gutache

    there seems to be differing opinions about Keto diet. Lowcarbdownunder will give you the preferred option and direction you need.

  • posted by nickyshepard

    Hi, Keto diet is considered to be a highly effective diet for losing weight. You need to cut your carbs and eat low-carb foods. The ketogenic diet encourages also the elimination of refined and processed carbohydrates.

  • posted by priyadogra

    “The keto diet does not have to be particularly restricted, and I don’t agree that it is nutritionally poor.”
    I have shared some tips on how to take nutritionally rich diet while on keto.
    Please visit
    and share your feedback.

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