Hi I.K.Ting
Your welcome and no I don’t mind telling you what I did/do which have changed a bit over the years….
I was historically always overweight and decided if I didn’t do something aged 40+(with a BMI of 30) It would cause me issues later, my knees were starting to give me a bit of grief and I wanted them to last at least another 40 years…..I was lucky in that I had no illness and was fairly active , enjoying weekend walks and having a job that involved a reasonable amount of time walking about but I never played sports or took any form of exercise (other than walking), as I was convinced I was allergic to both. I started a ‘diet’ and read books (still reading and learning!), everything Dr Mosley has written is a good start (but Fast diet and Fast exercise are a must) I used to eat toast or cereal for breakfast, sandwiches at break time and lunch and snack when I got home before evening meal (which was nearly always Pasta/Spuds/Rice/Pastry etc) . First I started to exercise, I hated the idea of doing this in public- it wasn’t going to be pretty! and I also wanted something quick, so after reading Fast Exercise I thought I’d give HIIT a go. I decided to spend £300 on a reasonable cross trainer, enough of a commitment to make me use it but not so much to bankrupt me if it was a huge mistake. I started doing HIIT every other day for 5 mins, building up to 10 mins and also strength exercises 20 minutes on the days in between. After a while of doing this I got to thinking i should put more effort into what I was eating as I was undoing all the good work I was doing exercising, after all I wasn’t doing the exercise for fun! (I didn’t enjoy it then and I still don’t! but its much more tolerable now!). So I ditched the bread and changed a few other things. Porridge for breakfast (its now eggs or yogurt as lower carb) Fruit for break time (now swapped to nuts) salad for lunch (this is a big one with salmon or cheese etc and fermented stuff, as many veggies, seeds, olive oil etc as you can fit in the box!) I lost the three stone in 9 months. I reckon I’d have done it quicker if I knew then what I know now. I’d now say diet is the singularly most important thing, exercise is beneficial but I’d say 80% of the battle is what you eat.
So the main things I now do are:
Eat fairly low carb by ditching the starchy ones (bread,pasta,rice, potatoes now rare for me, yes I miss them, yes most people like them and they are staples but I also believe that’s one major factor why we are in an obesity epidemic) we don’t need them.
Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners
Practice intermittent fasting (it sounds scary and mad but once you go lower carb its much easier) obviously it will help with weight loss or maintenance but its suggested to have other health benefits (Read Jason Fung’s books) I do 24 hours (dinner to dinner) twice a week, occasionally doing 2-3 days…..
Eat loads of veg, not loads of fruit (beware of dried fruit, loads of sugar in there)
Exercise 10 mins HIIT every other day, alternated with half an hours strength exercises (I use the 7 min app and do 3 reps of the classic workout).
I still have a couple of vices!…
I still drink (not excessively) but go for red wine over beer most of the time (but not always!)
I’m a bit of chocoholic but its now dark chocolate 75%+ coco solids not dairy milk, even I can’t eat so much dark….
I’d recommend measuring yourself, height and weight and waist, work out what your BMI is and what it should be, that’s your goal and don’t sell yourself short, yes loosing a stone is great but if your still overweight after loosing it keep going. Keep a diary of your stats.
Start tomorrow, you don’t have to do everything in one go but change something. I’d suggest looking at what you eat and plan some changes i.e what do you normally have for breakfast can it be improved? if not look at lunch and keep looking….
Go for it, its not easy as we are surrounded by bad stuff but its well worthwhile!
Good luck