
  • posted by J-J

    I’m on day four of rebooting my biome. I have had a terrible headache since yesterday. Any advice please. I also feel a bit nauseous today. It’s like a migraine. I’ve held off taking paracetamol but don’t think I can take much more.

  • posted by Carrickburn

    Hi J-J

    I am also on day 3. I had a vague headache yesterday, which I put down to not enough sleep before my nursing shifts on Tues and Wed.

    I have been following the Blood Sugar Diet – not very strictly, and have started Clever Guts seriously on Tuesday. I have reduced gluten and sugar and limiting dairy as I am lactose intolerant.

    I feel very lethargic today and I was wondering if this is an effect of reducing/eliminating foods that I had binged on over the week end – bread and cheese (brie) were the culprits I think!

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  • posted by Firefox7275

    Carrickburn: In common with other aged/ matured/ mould ripened cheeses, brie contains little lactose. Brie de Meaux PDO is made with unpasteurised milk, so supplies a wide variety of probiotic microbes.

    The best thing to do is to record the headache in your detailed food and symptom diary (p.187). A pattern may emerge as you progressively alter your diet and lifestyle.

    Generally negative symptoms from foods we are intolerant or allergic to appear within hours rather than days. Do ensure you are staying well hydrated when sleep deprived or busy at work.

    JJ posted the same query on the ‘Intermittent Fasting’ forum if you would like to read the replies.


  • posted by J-J

    Hi Carrickburn and others
    I suffered terribly from severe headaches for almost two weeks. I helped my body to detox by having baths with Epsom Salts, using hot packs on my head and drinking plenty. I found I was craving oranges and found that there was a connection to magnesium which I also saw on another blog helped headaches. I started to take magnesium and eventually my headaches disappeared. I can say there is a definate connection but my doctor feels that the headaches were a direct result of detoxing from sugar.
    I hope you can work through it – I am now into week 4 and starting to feel really good (I also managed to fight a cold while detoxing).
    We are at the stage of gradually introducing some dairy and next for us will be wheat. I hope we never return to eat as much sugar again. 🙂

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