Forum Help

  • posted by Aquilegia

    Sorry for posting this in the welcome section, but it appears that several of my posts have ‘disappeared’.

    This has happened in the Prebiotic forum. Both with my reply to a topic and also a new post about Bimuno. Not sure if you have enabled forum ‘flood control’ and this has prevented it appearing or it has just got lost in the ether?

    (Incidentally, I don’t find this forum that user friendly. Have you ever thought about incorporating a phpBB type forum?)

  • posted by IKeeptrying

    I’m not sure about the forum yet, it’s early days still. What’s a phpBB type forum? I’ve been on the blood sugar diet forum although not very actively posting and that seems ok. I also dallied with the 5:2 forum and that seems lively and fast moving. There’s a 5:2 and a BSD forum on mumsnet – I’m an aged mumsnetter !! They are quite quite lively – the forums, that is

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