Diverticular disease and clever guts diet

  • posted by MamaKC

    Hi everyone I am in my early 40s and have had some serious gUT issues for over 20 years. Recently I have been very sick with diverticulitis and I have had to take antibiotics and fast. I really want to overhaul my gut and I have been following the CGD guidelines plus been doing the 16:8 fasting. Is there anyone here who has healed their gut after diverticulitis or any advice ? Thanks

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    Hi MamaKC can you provide more details? What anti-biotics have you taken; can you be explicit about your gut issues and any ongoing treatment from your GP. Finally keep a two-week food/drink/exercise/sleep diary and post it. There are no simple solutions but almost everyone CAN be helped.. but you need a good baseline and the key data! Hope that helps. Graham

  • posted by Ellie Carstens

    Hello MamaKC
    I agree with the sound advice that Graham has given and would just add a couple of things. A friend who also suffers with diverticulitis has disasterous effects if she even eats tomato pips or even skins on apples or grapes. Unfortunately, what is considered to be a healthy diet can sometimes be detrimental as in the case of the tomato pips, so it’s being mindful of what you eat but any kind of probiotic would be extremely helpful. The only other thing I would mention is did your GP refer you to a Consultant for a confirmed diagnosis? I realise that you have had problems for over 20 years but it makes sense to see a Consultant who specialises in the gut and bowel. I do hope you have relief very soon.

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