I’m interested in getting a 90 min colonic with abdominal massage. Can this do anything to improve my gut biome?
I’m interested in getting a 90 min colonic with abdominal massage. Can this do anything to improve my gut biome?
I cannot see how it possibly could. The health of your micro biome is mainly dependent on what you feed it (i.e. what you eat) and to a degree by exercise. I’d concentrate on a healthy diet as recommended by Michael’s Clever Guts book
I’m no expert, but I would say yes, a colonic could help. A colonic clears the large intestine of waste matter, including matter impacted and unmoved for sometime and in doing so, flushes out the colon and leaves it cleansed. This gives you a ‘blank canvas’ on which to build you nice new biome, using all the recommended Clever Guts foods.
I disagree. Unless there are very profound reasons to mess with your entire microbiota I’d leave it well alone. You are proposing a total deforestation . Instead fertilise the good guys and allow them to do their stuff
Dr. Michael Mosley and Prof. Tim Spector (British Gut Project) both had colonoscopies without altering or improving the balance of their gut flora. A normal gut ‘cleanses’ itself: if you are constipated/ are concerned about impacted poop consult your family doctor or pharmacist.