16:8 morning coffee replacement

  • posted by lizzygirl66

    hello all,
    I am about to embark on the 16:8 fasting and as I do love my coffee in the morning I was wondering whether herbal teas are an option to replace my milky coffee (not a big fan of black coffee). Any suggestions most welcome. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by lizzygirl66

    anyone please ? ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    I can’t see a problem with herbal teas as long as you don’t have sugar. Personally I went the black coffee route but it has to be good, fresh ground (I make mine in an aeropress) I used to drink it very milky. I’ve got used to the taste without and now enjoy it. How about green tea? Its a bit subtle for my palette but you might like it?

  • posted by lizzygirl66

    thanks recoveringfatty, I am loving the 16:8 eating method not having a problem with it at all but its my milky coffee that I am struggling with. I enjoy the herbal teas (no sugar its a baddy) but the morning coffee is hurting as I also rise very early in the morning. Well done on eliminating milk from your coffee, great effort. May I ask how long you have been on the 16:8 and how its affected your weight? ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Firefox7275

    How much milk are we talking about, and is it full fat (4%), semi skimmed (2%) or skimmed (0%)? Do you think it is the caffeine hit, or the ritual of the coffee you are struggling without?

  • posted by recoveringfatty

    Hi lizzygirl66
    I’ve not ditched milk totally just avoid it during the 16hr fasting window which means my morning coffee’s. I vary my routine between 16:8 and 5:2 So three days a week I do 16:8 (actually more like 17:7 as I have evening meal hopefully before 8pm then don’t eat until 1pm the following day) and 2 days a week I fast until the evening meal. At weekends I eat ‘normally’ but avoid sugar mostly. My weights pretty steady, I lost over 3 stone a couple of years a go (5:2 and HIIT every other day) and have managed to keep it off and maintain my now normal BMI, if some creeps back on (if I cheat and get lazy with the exercise) I’ll do 3 days fast until evening meal 16:8 for 2 days, be more careful at weekends, and get moving more.. When I have Milk its always full fat but I’ve ditched Lattes for White Americano’s (less milk). I also read adding cream could be better as there is lower in carbs so doesn’t spike blood sugar as much and therefore insulin and thus fat storage. Its also more satiating so my curb appetite? However cream is obviously much more calorific so I would think it could be easily overdone, so I’m not totally convinced on this one- Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

  • posted by lizzygirl66

    hi recoveringfatty
    wow, you really have this worked out well. congrats, great effort and commitment. I drink lactose free milk but only in my 2 to 3 coffees a day. I just don’t like the taste of full cream milk, makes me want to pewk. 3 stone is fantastic weight loss. I haven’t lost any weight as yet, not that I am really counting as I am more focussed on healthy eating rather than losing weight. I have also have increased my physical activity substantially therefore can feel muscle building more than anything else. thanks so much for your reply, it is greatly appreciated to hear your great schedule and how others are doing it, hopefully someone else has something to offer. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Firefox7275

    Recoveringfatty: I would direct anyone to read Dr Mosley’s books again. In ‘The Fast 800’ he explains the differences between a very low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet, and a low carb Mediterranean diet (p.88-p.103).

    Any eating plan should be healthy, nutrient dense, properly balanced and very varied. This is more difficult to achieve the harder you cut calories, or cut carbs, or cut fat.

    Cream is high in fat …. and little else. By contrast full-fat dairy such as live Greek yogurt or traditional French cheeses are a source of protein, essential micronutrients and probiotic micro-organisms.


  • posted by AlexandraD

    Hi! I do a couple of days 18:6 and tend to stop eating after lunch, skipping my evening meal. I usually have Oat milk in my morning coffee which I now prefer to cow milk. It gives the coffee a nutty flavour and enhances it for me!

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