Sauerkraut v Fermented Veg

  • posted by Susanma

    I am following the clever guts diet and it has much improved my digestion, however I am also hoping to improve my IC symptoms ( IC is an inflammatory condition of bladder, with common symptom of pain/stinging in the bladder and urethra)
    I have incorporated sauerkraut and fermented veg in my diet but recently was worried that having a vinegary / acidic food like sauerkraut might not be good for my IC. Is just sticking to the fermented veg good enough for probiotic intake? I follow the CG recipes, take a good quality probiotic and drink kefir, so hoping be ok to avoid the sauerkraut?

  • posted by Firefox7275

    In fermenting sugars and starches are converted to acids and alcohols by the bacteria and yeasts, so all are potentially problematic depending how the foods are treated after the initial fermentation step. This includes fermented dairy, as well as fruits and vegetables. You can purchase pH (acid/ alkaline) test strips inexpensively online or in a pharmacy.

    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to gut health or to interstitial cystitis. Identifying your personal trigger/ problem/ beneficial foods and drinks is trial and error over time, guided by your detailed food and symptom diary (p.187).

    Clever Guts is fundamentally a balanced and varied, *anti inflammatory* diet. Many IC triggers are discouraged (sugars, sweeteners, carbonated drinks, alcohol). You may find modest portions of other acidic foods (citrus, vinegar, yoghurt, kefir, berry mixes) fine when balanced out by the many alkaline, anti inflammatory wholefoods.

    Dr Mosley advises eliminating and reintroducing foods slowly in stages (p.190 + 194). You might choose to leave the most acidic ones for last.

    With probiotic rich foods you want as many sources as possible for a *really wide variety* of microbes. So consider a variety of traditional aged cheeses: sheep and goats milk, unpasteurised, blue veined, rind washed, mould ripened all supply different complex communities of bacteria and yeasts.


  • posted by qiaraau

    Due to the bacterial fermentation process, food that is obviously fermented is also a rich source of probiotics (health-supportive bacteria that aid in digestion). These bacteria naturally improve the gut microflora. Fermented foods also boost the bioavailability of a selection of vitamins and minerals, including some B vitamins, zinc and magnesium. in addition, fermented foods enhance amino acid status in protein-rich foods. In this way, fermentation can help to bring an incomplete protein closer to “completion.”

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