I travelled to Africa seven years ago where I was completely constipated for 5 months. Subsequently I have had intermediate periods of vomiting, diarrhoea and severe constipation. I have put these down to possible food allergies.
Currently, I am completely constipated and, to relieve the terribly uncomfortable feelings and nausea, I had a series of colonic irrigation sessions. To my horror, a huge bundle of worms came out. On being shown a photo, my GP prescribed the standard tape worm medication which was completely ineffective – and no amount of laxatives has any effect. My GP says my blood is normal and she is at a loss as to what to do. More laxatives (which don’t work) are her only suggestion.
I feel that this problem may possibly have its origins in my trip to Africa. Does anyone please know where I should go from here to get a diagnosis and lasting cure?
Thank you in advance.
Have you had a clear stool test for the worms/ other parasites/ anything else the NHS will test for?
Have you been completing a detailed food and symptom diary? Will your family doctor refer you to the registered dieticians at your local hospital to analyse this?
Do you consistently meet or exceed ALL our government’s recommendations for healthy eating, physical activity and lifestyle? Note that UK guidelines have changed within the last couple of years, inc. those related to fibre rich wholefoods.
Which laxatives have you taken, how often and for how long? A couple are safe for regular long term use, but most are not.
It may well be that a combination of the worms, overuse of laxatives, poor diet or lifestyle habits, colonic irrigation has damaged your gut lining/ affected your gut function/ altered your microbiome.
If so a targeted overhaul of your diet and lifestyle, possibly alongside medication revommended by a pharmacist/ dietician, or prescribed by a doctor is the best way to improve your gut health. Think long term commitment, not short term cure and return to old habits.