Michael briefly mentions Candida in the Gut Diet book but i would like more specific advice. Does anybody have this condition and have you any tips for me please.

Michael briefly mentions Candida in the Gut Diet book but i would like more specific advice. Does anybody have this condition and have you any tips for me please.
I don’t think I have it now, but am pretty sure I did have an overgrowth at one point. I followed a diet about 6 years ago called Whole Approach and my symptoms disappeared to the extent that allergies and symptoms I had suffered with from being a teenager are now not an issue at all. This starts out quite similarly to Clever guts I think (not totally sure as I am more of a BSDer with an interest in my new healthier microbiome than a true clever guts) with quite a lot of restrictions and then gradual reintroducing of suspect foods after a longish period to cause the overgrowth to die off.
What makes you think you have it and what are your symptoms? What have you tried already and did anything help??