What a difference a day makes!

  • posted by IreneDragon

    I bought The Clever Guts Diet book last week (it was the Kindle Daily Deal) and was fascinated by what goes on in our gut. We’d been planning to change our eating habits because we both need to lose weight. The book brought home the importance of the change. We went food shopping at the weekend and totally changed the things we bought. No ready meals, pies or pizzas, just fresh meat, fruit and vegetables, plus some live yoghurt for me. I felt a difference almost immediately. I’ve suffered heartburn and occasional acid reflux for some time. I’ve been eating about 100g of yoghurt every day since Monday and the heartburn has almost completely gone. In fact, it was greatly reduced after the first helping of yoghurt!

    Eating more healthily will involve a lot more work, which will be difficult because I’m disabled and my husband is at work all day. I’m willing to stick with it, though, because I can already feel some benefit. It may even help us to lose weight.☺

  • posted by Pistachio

    Hello IreneDragon, I’ve just bought the book (fascinating reading) and the cookbook too. Cleared out the fridge and done some sensible shopping – easing into it gently but loved the “Poor Man’s Potatoes” which we had for dinner Saturday pm. Have made granola for breakfasts and planning lots of salads and omelettes for lunches. Have totally cut out dairy and will be cutting out gluten too over the next few days. Feeling good apart from a bit of a headache – guessing that is sugar withdrawal. Glad the yoghurt is having such an immediate effect for you! X

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