Multiple Sclerosis

  • posted by Tevenie

    Hi, I don’t know if Dr Mosley reads any of these forums but I am interested on his take on this (my own theory!)

    I have MS, which I have had for at least 25 years. I have no particular symptoms and am generally well and healthy. I have eaten pretty well all my life, though like most people I have had periods when I have eaten rubbish.

    I have done a lot of reading on the topic of MS and followed some of the diets – primarily Terry Wahls’ Paleo diet and Dr Jelinek’s Overcoming MS diet. On the surface these diets seem very different – Wahls is lots of meat, organ meat, fermented food, vegetables and OMS is no saturated fat, primarily vegan, but with fish. They seem to have great results but I have always been suspicious that it is not the diet per se, but the fact that all of them improve the gut microbiome. I have read the Clever Guts book and I am even more suspicious now that link is gut health and I was wondering if Dr Mosley had any thoughts on the subject?

  • posted by Plutark

    Hi I too have Ms, however mine is Primary Progressive MS. I do have symptoms continually, and recently these have had an impact on my quality of life. I have had PPMS for 20 years and now have to use a wheelchair. I too research thoroughly and have an excellent MS team who are very supportive. I, like you would be very interested on Dr Mosleys thoughts.

  • posted by Steve Maggs

    Hi Plutark,

    I suppose the probable answer is we don’t know yet. Certainly Dr Mosely seems to be at the cutting edge of science around fasting and diet. He’s back up how claims with real science, and is well respected as a doctor.

    I think we probably need to be cautiously optimistic about things. I would say that a combination of diet, plus managing stress is probably a big factor.

    I took some efforts to reduce my stress recently and have found Brené Brown’s books and talks extremely helpful. So I’m trying to tackle things in a holistic fashion – which I think is a good idea.

  • posted by Tevenie

    Hi Plutark, have you tried any of the diets I mentioned?

  • posted by Plutark

    Hi I have been on Dr Mosely’s intermittent fasting diet for about 18 months. My normal diet has always been high in vegetables, fish and low in carbohydrates as a normal choice. I have read Dr Wahls books and research but haven’t taken it up. I am gluten intolerant therefore don’t eat bread, pasta cakes etc. Foods containing even the smallest amount of gluten turn my legs a purple/red and increase my level of pain and inflammation within hours. Not pleasant. I am going to give the clever guts diet a go, it has got good research behind it and I trust Dr Mosely.

  • posted by Tevenie

    I hope it improves things for you. Best of luck.


  • posted by MS

    I’ve just started reading Dr Mosley’s book. This book’s appeal might be a classic case of confirmation bias but I agree with you Tevenie. (I’m in your boat. MS +20yr controlled thanks to cheery picking the best of Wahls and OMS including daily moderate exercise and meditation because I believe that medication is not the answer for me.)

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    Hi All
    I’d go with Terry Wahls on this one- she’s far more knowledgable on MS than Michael Mosley. Have you seen her TED talk which is incredibly inspiring? MS? I’d definitely have detailed microbiome analysis and follow the Wahls protocol

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