Hi, I don’t know if Dr Mosley reads any of these forums but I am interested on his take on this (my own theory!)
I have MS, which I have had for at least 25 years. I have no particular symptoms and am generally well and healthy. I have eaten pretty well all my life, though like most people I have had periods when I have eaten rubbish.
I have done a lot of reading on the topic of MS and followed some of the diets – primarily Terry Wahls’ Paleo diet and Dr Jelinek’s Overcoming MS diet. On the surface these diets seem very different – Wahls is lots of meat, organ meat, fermented food, vegetables and OMS is no saturated fat, primarily vegan, but with fish. They seem to have great results but I have always been suspicious that it is not the diet per se, but the fact that all of them improve the gut microbiome. I have read the Clever Guts book and I am even more suspicious now that link is gut health and I was wondering if Dr Mosley had any thoughts on the subject?