Probiotic advice for a 2year old

  • posted by Mum of a tummy sufferer

    Hi, this is my first post on here having recently started reading the Clever Guts diet book (as recommend by another mum with a sufferer). I have a 2year old boy who has all the symptoms of IBS with constipation. He was born via C-section, had antibiotics at birth and again at 8mths. We are under an NHS dietician and gastroenterologist trying to help us understand what is problem is and how to resolve/manage the symptoms. I’ve recently tried Bio Kults infantis, following his dieticians advice. After 14 days (with a 2 day break on day 10) I’ve stopped giving them to him. His symptoms worsened significantly (trying to pooh 10-15 times a day, crying, unsettled, waking 5-10times at night in discomfort, loss of appetite). I’ve read that symptoms can get worse before they get better, as the bad bacteria is ‘flushed’ out of the body, but is symptoms seemed far to severe to continue.

    My question is whether there is a more suitable Probiotic he could take, that is more gentle on his tummy and/or whether I should be looking a certain foods to help improve his gut bacteria (he is intolerant to a long list of foods, many of the usual culprits plus afew others. I identified these after doing a food diary for 8months).

    All advice appreciated.

  • posted by Firefox7275

    I bet you are at your wit’s end! Sounds like you have been doing all the right things, including seeking professional advice.

    A few things jumped out at me from your post, firstly that your son may be intolerant to a long list of foods. This made me wonder if there is an undiagnosed allergy (food or environmental) OR that there is an undiagnosed nutrient insufficiency (easy if diet is not balanced or varied). Would be worth reviewing the eight months of food and symptom diaries with fresh eyes, ‘forgetting’ previous conclusions.

    Note that symptoms of food allergies may be present for MUCH longer after exposure than with intolerances, and that trigger amounts can be tiny. The ingredients of and allergen warnings on the probiotic supplement, and ANY other diagnosed medical condition (eczema/ dermatitis, asthma, anything inflammatory) may provide clues here.

    Which prebiotic wholefoods to add really depends on what your son’s diet is like at present (compare balance, variety, size of servings, average intake fibre and healthy fats, daily physical activity etc. to official guidelines for age group).


  • posted by Mum of a tummy sufferer

    Thank you Firefox7275 for your speedy response. Your comments around allergic reactions lasting much longer than food intolerances is an interesting one and I think there’s definitely some benefit in reviewing my sons long list of ‘excluded’ foods with fresh eyes. First I need to get his symptoms back to a ‘reasonable’ level following the recent trial of Bio Kults (I’m convinced he’s still being impacted by them).

    I am still keen to understand what foods I should be introducing/increasing /reducing/excluding to help him build the right level of good bacteria in his body. I’ll be re-reading the clever guts diet book again and looking to build a plan based on my sons symptoms (hopefully with some help from a dietician who has a passion for gut bacteria and children with tummy problems…..just need to find that person first!)

  • posted by GrahamSPhillips

    I agree with Firefox’s points above. A comprehensive food-and-symptom diary would be very helpful. Ditto fluids – what does your son drink? For example artificial sweetners are a disaster! It might be worth trying Symprove (in very low initial doses) which is my “go to” pro-biotic for irritable and inflammatory bowel conditions because, unlike most of them, this one has been comprehensively clinically trialled. We do actually stock the product if that helps
    Good luck


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