Wish to signup for potato starch diet .live in Oz. Sleep poorly.
I would like to take part in this interesting study, thankyou.
A 5ml teaspoon in medicine/ pharmacy/ research would normally be level. Then the dose is similar person to person, and similar whatever dosing device is used (measuring spoon, measuring cup, oral syringe).
Whereas some chefs throw in quarter of a bottle of something, and call it two tablespoons! That sort of portion control contributed to the obesity epidemic …
I would like to sign up for the potato starch study. Thanks
Having just bought a bag of potato starch to assist with my baking and suffering from poor sleep, I’d also be keen to join the trial.
I’ve already asked about joining the potato starch study and have bought the potato starch. I don’t sleep well waking up about 5 times a night. Haven’t received any reply as where to sign up. Mo Milsom
I would also like to sign up for the Potato Starch study, Thanks xxx
Does anyone know what’s happening? Maybe it’s a joke!
I am very interested in joining the potato starch trial.
I’ve decided to give it a go anyway – what have I got to lose!! ( Only sleep!!??!!) Going to try a rounded spoonful per day – I put some in soup and seems ok. Can add it to my kefir and muesli in the mornings from now on……….
Everyone, including me, seems to be asking where and how to sign up for the potato starch trial. I haven’t seen any answers yet. Has anyone signed up? Is anyone monitoring this forum?
Hello, I’d like to sign up for the trial. Please let me know when it starts.
Interested in joining the study but impatient with the time its taken to get it off the ground….
I note some people seem to be starting to take it and interested in the amounts people are taking. There’s some interesting info here: http://www.gestaltreality.com/2014/02/27/resistant-starch-a-concise-guide/ which seems to suggest at least two tablespoons is required and taking it 4-5 hours before bedtime. That’s a lot more than I was thinking would be necessary! -
As the study will be following Michael Mosely’s regime, I would suggest going along with his quantity: 1 teaspoon in milk at bedtime
The timing when the Potato starch is taken may also be interesting, in the book Michael says he takes 1 teaspoon full before bed, but also earlier in the book it mentions taking a teaspoon full in the early evening. I wonder how crucial the timing could be as presumably the starch will take some time to get down to the good guys, so they can get to work on it and start producing their sleep promoting goodies. Maybe the trial could involve different protocols…..
Recoveringfatty: that article is quite oddly written. It flips between published scientific research and Tatertot Tim’s experiments on himself. It also flips between weight and volume for measurement. 5ml = 5g for water, but *not* for dry powders.
There is reference to dosing for people on the Standard American Diet (SAD), which doesn’t apply to many of those experimenting with Tatertot Tim (Paleo/ Primal) nor many on this forum (CG diet).
Dr Mosley impresses upon us the importance of variety: in wholefoods (prebiotics), in fermented foods (probiotics) and in our gut flora. This likely applies to prebiotic and probiotic supplements. I don’t see any logic in downing multiple tablespoons of a single source of resistant starch.
I agree with you that timing is interesting, not least because we all have different schedules and lifestyles. I certainly notice a difference in how well prescription sedatives (eg. amitriptyline, mirtazepine) knock me out, depending on size and timing of my last meal.
I would like to sign up for the Potato Starch study. Just bought a bag labelled “Potato Starch” from a market stall. When I got it home, it also carried the label Tapioca Flour. Now I don’t know what I bought. How do you tell them apart?
A good start would be to take this back to the trader (presumably he’ll be back!) and demand a refund. Complain to Trading Standards, too. And then go online or to a proper health food outlet like Holland & Barrett, and buy the real thing! Tapioca flour and potato starch don’t even come from the same or even a nearly-related plant – tapioca comes from under the bark of a tree that grows in the Pacific.
I make great kefir. You only need a nylon sieve, no metal.
Along with so many others, I too would like to sign up for the potato starch study, joanna
Would love to sign up please. I’m a very light sleeper and it’s getting worse (though in good health otherwise). Thank you
I would,like to take part in The potato starch study. Turned 78 this morning and hardly slept last night, and it wasn’t because I was excited about my birthday!
Donna78, Happy Birthday! I to am 78 & have been following Dr Moseley’s advice about taking a teaspoonful of potato starch in a small glass of milk or kefir, it’s worked for me! I have been doing this for about 6 weeks & have gone from very broken sleep of 2-3 hours a night to 7 hours 51 minutes this week!!! Average night now is about 6 hours…… Worth a try, I’m sticking with it🎂
Hi Donna, where do you buy your potato starch from please? Joanna
Well, I haven’t started yet – only just read the book!
I will definitely try it, as soon as I can get some.
I got mine from Amazon.
I would also like to sign up for the potato starch study.
I should like to sign up for the potato starch study. Lack of sleep is such a problem to me, it is affecting my whole life.
I would like to sign up for the potato starch study and have a good nights sleep.
I’d like to sign up too please?
I’m interested in participating in the study.
I would be super interested to participate in the potato starch study please.
Hi. I would like to sign up for the potato starch study. How do I do this?
I would like to sign up for this study. Any idea when it is ?
I would like to sign up too.
I would like to sign up too, thank you!
Please will someone tell where I need to sign up for the potato starch study?
I would also like to sign up for the potato starch study.
Glennith, me thinks that there is no potato starch study as written in the book or someone is not doing their job????
i would like to sign up too
I would like to sign up too please
I would like to sign up for the potato starch study. I’m in Australia.
Anthea -
I would like to join the potato starch study. BUT one question – I avoid nightshades because of osteoarthritis in my finger knuckles. Is potato starch still considered a nightshade?
I would like to sign up too!
I am still waiting to be signed up for the potato starch study, however I have started taking 2 level teaspoon and I am having a better sleeping pattern, I forgot to take it one day and I had the sleeping pattern of 2 hours sleep and waking up. This is the pattern that I was having due to the untimely death of my daughter from a very late diagnosis of Colon cancer.
How do I sign up for this? On page 176 of Clever Guts MM says “read the protocol on the website”. I cant see a protocol.
Looks like this experiment is not going to happen – have been on the site for a long long time, so tried it anyway – 2 teaspoons of potato starch before bed in milk or water. Buy it from Holland and Barratt for less than £2.00. First couple of nights did not work but after that slept like a baby after years of not getting to sleep’ , waking up in the middle of the night and then again at the crack of dawn. Now getting 7/8 hours sleep. You have nothing to lose, give it a go.
Did in the past already a Potato Starch Study of my own. After three months I stopped, took three tablespoons daily, but my environment was not happy at one point, because the amount of unpleasant air emissions only increased.
Just started again as mentioned in the book the frist week with a tablespoon, and now the second week I do a tableaspoon again but now only before sleeping. This goes much better than my earlier experience. The air emissions are stable and less unpleasant. I slept already very good and a nice average of 8 hours, but as Michael wrote its good for the guts, that’s why I started again with it, but have no frame of reference if it has any positive effect or what so ever?! 😉
I have just scrolled through all the posts from 2017 – 2018. Did this study ever get off the ground and does anyone ever get a reply? I am also interested.
I will be visiting the UK from Australia in September. Does anyone know where I can get my Microbiome tested as there is not much happening down under (please excuse the pun).